Thursday, March 5, 2020

What Can I Expect At My First Voice Lesson

What Can I Expect At My First Voice Lesson Suzy S. For some people, its a big step to sign up for voice lessons. We know the thought can seem a little scary particularly if youre not used to singing in front of others, let alone a trained, professional vocalist!   But dont worry: your teacher isnt there to judge or intimidate you. Perhaps youre wondering what you can really expect at your first voice lesson.   How should you prepare?   Heres a look into a typical lesson experience from Kathryn M., one of our newest teachers in Fairborn, OH: Have you been thinking about taking voice lessons, but you just aren’t sure? A lot of people like to sing in a choir, with the radio, or even in the shower.  But is taking voice lessons right for you?  Here is some information about what to expect at a voice lesson, frequently asked questions about taking voice lessons, and how you can benefit from taking them. The first thing you need to ask yourself is: what are my goals? Establishing your goals with singing is what will help you and your voice teacher set a path for your lessons. If your goals include sight reading better for your community choir, great.  If they include one day singing on the Broadway stage, great. Knowing your goals with singing will help you to stay motivated and moving forward. So, now that you’ve decided to take voice lessons, what’s next?  At your first lesson, there is often uncertainty as to what to expect from the experience.  It’s important to know that although your voice teacher is there to help you improve, he or she will never make you feel like you aren’t good enough to sing. Your voice teacher will work with you where you are at and help you get to the next level.  Just sing out and don’t be afraid to show what you’ve got. What will you learn? Singing lessons are about more than just the product. Singing lessons engage the entire body and you will be instructed on correct posture, breathing and vowel shaping. This may seem tedious at times, but keeping your instrument aligned and working properly is as important as the sound that is produced. What will you sing? This has a lot to do with your goals. Your voice teacher will have repertoire suggestions and books he or she may ask you to purchase. This is to help provide you with quality music to learn from and grow with. Vocal repertoire books range from folk songs, opera, oratorios, Broadway, and everything in between. You might have goals to sing in another language and that vastly expands your possibilities. Kathryn M. teaches singing and trumpet lessons in Fairborn, OH.   She holds a Masters Degree in Vocal Music Education from the University of Dayton, and has been a TakeLessons instructor since May 2012. Sign up for lessons with Kathryn, or visit TakeLessons to search for teachers near you! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of prescreened teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for safe, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Joseph A Ferris III

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